“Information is not knowledge.” – Albert Einstein




Have you ever read a book, listened to a podcast, taken a class, a workshop, a webinar (because we are doing more of that than ever now), read an article, taken in some poignant information and on some level and felt like you were really moved or learned something BIG, potentially even life-changing?Maybe you mention it to your friends, family, colleagues or business associates mentioning the book, the idea, or the topic. You might even be able to recount parts of the podcast, book, quotes, phrases, pages, chapters that really “spoke to you”.

And yet, days and weeks go by, you listen to a dozen new podcasts, pick up a new book or listen (because c’mon audible is AWESOME)  and you never really integrate this new level of understanding or movement into your day to day living? Into your relationship? Into your calendar or your time in the office? Or your approach to communicating? (topics all dependent on the books you read of course – and we’re not talking novels here).

Has this ever happened to you? I’m not the only one, right?

Basically, you never really took the time to consider HOW you might apply the learnings from the book, class, podcast, fill in the blank, into your life, relationships, ways of showing up, etc.

Meanwhile, there is a part of you that thinks you are doing all the things, because c’mon, you “know” about it, you read the book on “tidying up” or “essentialism” or “better communication” or “yoga philosophy”. You know you need to clear out your closet – you’re reminded every time you put your laundry away, you know best to move your body upon rising and you still reach for the coffee, you know it’d serve ALL your relationships to use “I” statements when you are communicating and you still say you.


“To know and not do, is to not know”
– Sarita Linda Rocco, AMAZING human + Ayurvedic Goddess
Read that quote above one more time. I think of this as being “book smart” or thinking we “know” something because we’ve read about it. We might even agree that to really know something is to integrate it, apply it to ALL areas of our lives. It is the mindset, or behavior or action that transforms as a result of knowing that is important to focus on.In Ayurveda there are three causes of disease:
Prajanaparadha – making negligent choices
asatmendriyartha samyoga – disrespecting your senses
parinama – living out of rhythm with natureBeing book smart and not aligning your knowledge is the root of prajanaparadha – making negligent choices.  When we live outside of our knowing, we set ourselves up for disease. WHY? Because we are out of integrity with a deeper understanding of who we are. This is “thinking we know” from the mode of the mind, versus acting and behaving in alignment with our knowing.Start to look around – especially when you are being presented with a challenge or un-ease in your life, and ask yourself, how am I living outside of my knowing? 

Another way to capture this, is to refer to it as being the CONSUMER of informationvs a COLLABORATOR of information. This means to me that there is a part of ourselves that is voraciously consuming new information and ideas ALL the time. The question is, at what rate are you really able to digest the information before you are moving on to the next thing? It’s a fascinating question.

Here are my top 3 Tips to move from a consumer to a collaborator in your learning journey:
1. Get clear on your WHY.
WHY did you pick up the book? listen to the podcast? take the course? attend the webinar?
Don’t skip this step. Be intentional with what you are taking in through all your senses.

2. Identify your one thing.
Take small steps towards your WHY. This is an art and a science. Out of ALL the things you could do, which one is the most important. This is a process of prioritization and building an experience of success and accomplishment. You are bring the knowing to the day to day

3. You have to do the work yourself, but you can’t do it alone.
Be part of a dynamic and supportive group, have a mentor or coach, and/or have an accountability partner to keep you on track and remind you that this is important to you.

This is the work we do in the Embody Ease Journey.  Through the support of a dynamic group, me as your mentor and coach, you weave your learning into your day to day life experience through mindset, behavior and clear action.

To learn more, sign up for a 20-30 minute conversation with me to discover what your WHY is for the next days, weeks, months, of your life.