Words From Rachel

Seeking Levity

Seeking Levity

One of the great superpowers we all share as humans is the power of self-reflection. You have many other innate strengths. I love seeing and identifying these in others. I feel pretty confident I could identify a few of yours within 15 minutes of talking with you. You...

How To Make Good Choices With Decision Fatigue

How To Make Good Choices With Decision Fatigue

Are you making the best decisions? Have you ever found yourself simply tired of making decisions? Ten years ago it wasn't uncommon I would get home from a full day of work, still needing to figure out my plans for dinner. I didn't have a habit of meal planning. I'd be...

Feeling ready vs Being ready

Feeling ready vs Being ready

I've been teaching yoga in Prescott since 2001 and was certified by the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga in 2007. I studied for six years in this method prior to certification.  The process was arduous, time-consuming, and was a huge investment mentally, emotionally,...

Living In The Decision: Part 2

Living In The Decision: Part 2

Cultivating confidence in our life circumstances. In Living in Your Decisions: Part 1 I describe this idea around living in a decision for a certain amount of time to feel the feels of making a decision. When we make a decision and live in the wake that...

Living In The Decision: Part 1

Living In The Decision: Part 1

Honor and experiment. Anything can turn into a reason to feel guilty. The question, “do you have children?” can seem so simple, but can be so loaded. “We decided not to have children.” “We want children and it hasn’t happened for us yet” “We have five...

Own Your Dynamic Relationship to Change

Own Your Dynamic Relationship to Change

Your rate of change is up to you. You've probably heard it before... If we want our lives to look or feel differently, we have to be willing to make changes. We can't keep doing things the same way we've always done it and expect different results. This is...

Love Your Legs

Love Your Legs

Put your legs up the wall. Putting my legs up the wall is my favorite restorative yoga pose. I started this practice once I learned about the benefits of a simple and relaxing pose called “viparita karani”. I can remember the first time ever doing it… I knew this pose...

Pause In The Light

Pause In The Light

Sun Stands Still. Throughout history, humans have honored the relationship between the earth and the sun in many ways. For thousands of years, our ancestors built ceremonial monuments to honor this alignment. From the ancestral Puebloans to Stonehenge to Ayurveda...

Summer Meal Inspiration

Summer Meal Inspiration

Lighten up and cool off. As the summer heats things up in the northern hemisphere notice a deep and intrinsic craving to lighten up and cool off. If you tend towards overheating with red rashes on your skin, acid indigestion, irritability or feeling short-fused - perk...

A Beginners Mind

A Beginners Mind

Are you moved by poetry? Maybe song lyrics? A beautiful hand-written card? A favorite book? I’m fascinated by the power of the word and how certain prose, sutras, poems, and lyrics strike me from the depths even moving me to tears at times.  Does that ever happen to...

Hemp Milk Recipe

Hemp Milk Recipe

Make Homemade Hemp Milk Place the following ingredients into a high powered blender and go for it. ¼ cup hemp seeds ½ teaspoon vanilla Pinch of salt 4-5 dates (soaked overnight is best) Approximately 3 cups hot water – depending on how thick you like it Other spices...

Meal Prep Inspiration

Meal Prep Inspiration

Do you value high-quality food? Maybe that makes you a "foodie"? I honestly don't even know what that means, but I know I care about the quality of food I put in my mouth and sounds like you do too. I want it to be alive, full of life and as fresh as possible. I also...

Play More & Cook Less

Play More & Cook Less

Fuel your body and clear your mind. My husband and I love to cook and tease that we are amateur foodies. We have a year-round garden, usually a freezer full of harvested fruits and veggies and a supply of dried goods that could feed the neighborhood. It makes for easy...

Investing In You

Investing In You

You are your best investment. Your life economy is the wealth and health of yourself, your family, your community and your environment, especially in terms of your body, mind, and spirit as it impacts your entire life cycle. You’ve been given this body, this lifetime....

The Best Lentil Salad

The Best Lentil Salad

Share with a crowd. This week I’m sharing my favorite lentil salad recipe. This is a great salad to prepare in advance of a party, potluck or BBQ that will serve a crowd and satiate even the strongest of appetites. I can’t believe I haven’t already shared it with you....

Cumin Coriander and Fennel Tea

Cumin Coriander and Fennel Tea

A Soothing Digestive Tea Cumin, coriander, and fennel tea, also known as CCF Tea, is a beautiful trio of herbs boiled and steeped into a delightful digestive addition to any Spring day. It is known in Ayurvedic Medicine as a simple approach to digestive disorders,...

Go From Inaction to Action

Go From Inaction to Action

The art of self care. We all know on some level that how we take care of ourselves is the definition of “lifestyle;” and our lifestyle is directly related to our health, and our health shapes our future. On some level, we all know this. A healthy lifestyle isn’t some...

Ayurvedic Tips for Spring

Ayurvedic Tips for Spring

Let the Light In. If you have a garden, you know it’s the season to be putting seeds in the earth for future sprouting. There is a natural urge to emerge from the dark and into the light of the Spring. Here in northern Arizona, it’s the time of year when one day it...

The Great Divide

The Great Divide

The void between inaction and action. Is there a gap between what you know and how you are showing up in life? What life lessons do you feel prone to learning over and over again? We can all fall into this void of misalignment around what we know is right for us and...

5 Road Trip Tips

5 Road Trip Tips

I love a good road trip. There’s something about packing up the car with bikes and a limited amount of “stuff” and hitting the road that feels so good. The wind in my hair, a good soundtrack and the beauty of the landscape rushing by. In my younger years, road trips...


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!