Last week I shared with you the power of having a plan aligned with your intention.

And I’ll say it again, it’s SUPER important we are realistic about our intentions and desires and are able to create a step by step, consistent approach to give the intention wings, to truly breathe LIFE into it. This is sometimes the hardest part.

One of the most basic reasons we set intentions and make plans like taking up the practice of yoga is to change something about ourselves. This is why the yoga studios and gyms this time of year are packed with people like you and me desiring some kind of change.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the notion of change and evolution (surprise, surprise) and doing a lot of reading and having conversations with my accountability partner and my mastermind groups. What if we aren’t really changing at all, but we are simply evolving and becoming more and more into who you are meant to be?

So the question that arises next for me is “who are you meant to be?” and are you living in alignment with that person’s vitality and potential? The next question is how are we numbing ourselves or avoiding the work of actually living into this potential? This level of vibrancy?

When we apply ourselves in alignment with what is possible and question old belief patterns and stories that limit our growth and work to dissolve them, we start to experience greater ease, inner peace, joy, and freedom.

So many of us have old patterns that are set up to numb ourselves from the truly living into our greatest potential. I see this over and over again in myself, in Embody Ease course members, and in friends and family. Whether it’s the glass of wine at night, the Netflix binge, the chocolate covered almonds, mindlessly scrolling Instagram, overeating, overworking, overscheduling, you name it. Life isn’t always easy and some kind of numbing habit sneaks in, even when we least expect.

Members of the Embody Ease yearlong lifestyle mastery course are dissolving these habits, cultivating greater awareness and mindfulness around their daily living. Members are finding space where they never thought it would exist, joy where there was sadness and depression. The coolest thing to witness is when members begin to truly experience possibility where life used to feel impossible.

Check out Heather’s journey in the Embody Ease course. Listen to her share how she has expanded her relationship with time through the habits and how her family is benefiting.

The truth is, when we resist change and evolution, we are not only holding ourselves back from feeling our greatest, but we are keeping the people we love the most from experiencing us as we are meant to be.

If you or anyone you know is curious about how you can expand your relationship to time, dissolve old beliefs keeping you from who you are meant to be or simply curious what a yearlong lifestyle mastery course might entail complete this short form to learn more.

All my best,


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!