Meg Abene Newlin

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  3. Meg Abene Newlin
Events from this organizer

Practice Wellness Community: Part 1

Long time students and friends on the path of practice, Rachel Peters, Sam Rice, and Meg Abene Newlin, are offering a unique intensive exploration into the study and practice of yoga.  Each of these teachers has a unique voice with different insights to offer up but share a common thread in having found their authentic […]

Practice Wellness Community: Part 2

Long time students and friends on the path of practice, Rachel Peters, Sam Rice, and Meg Abene Newlin, are offering a unique intensive exploration into the study and practice of yoga.  Each of these teachers has a unique voice with different insights to offer up but share a common thread in having found their authentic […]

Practice Wellness Community: Part 3

Long time students and friends on the path of practice, Rachel Peters, Sam Rice, and Meg Abene Newlin, are offering a unique intensive exploration into the study and practice of yoga.  Each of these teachers has a unique voice with different insights to offer up but share a common thread in having found their authentic […]

LIVE habit evolution, daily lifestyle and yoga workshops along with public yoga classes and are offered on an ongoing basis.

Learn more about Rachel’s 12 month Lifestyle Mastery Course and hone in on the daily habits of a yogi.

Want self-care strategies delivered right to your inbox? Sign up here to stay in touch.

LIVE workshops and yoga classes are offered in Prescott, AZ.

If you are interested in working with Rachel privately or from a distance, check out her COACHING page or the Private Yoga Classes page.