“The best asset we have for making a contribution to the world is ourselves. If we underinvest in ourselves, and by that, I mean our minds, bodies, and our spirits, we damage the very tool we need to make our highest contribution.” Greg McKeown, Essentialism

Do you know what your personal strengths are? Your own personal superpowers?

For this past year, I’ve been teaching yoga at The Primavera School here in Prescott. My husband has been a teacher there for sixteen years and Miles now is a member of the school in the pre-k program. Once every other week I would show up and lead the students (one class at a time) through an age-appropriate yoga sequence.

My last week there, I was asked by the kindergarten teacher to come in and share with the class what it meant to be a yoga teacher.

Hmm…eemed kind of tricky. I sometimes have a hard enough time sharing with you what I do, but to a group of 5-6 year olds I knew I was going to have to come up with something different.

Guess what? I didn’t.

It’s the same conversation when you’re 5 as when you’re 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 or 95.

What are your strengths?

What are your innate superpowers?

What are your desires?

We had a fun conversation about superheroes and superheroines and how they all have unique talents, just like each and every one of us. I had them draw themselves as the superhero. What they came up with was AMAZING. They totally got it. And I told them one of my superpowers is to see your superpowers before you do.

What are your superpowers?

Are you fostering those powers or leaving them dormant?

The world needs you and your conscious powers.

With deep respect to you and your innate strengths and superpowers,


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!