How you end one thing determines how you begin the next.

I like to think this is true in relationships, projects, jobs, years, days and especially lives. I don’t have any statistics to back that up, but it’s a theory I live by especially when it comes to turning the page of the calendar.

Reflections on 2016

Carve time honoring and presence the ups, downs, highs, lows, dark, light, achievements and lessons learned in 2016. Get out a sheet of paper and make three columns. Title each column with separately with Body, Mind, + Spirit (consider expanding the experience and create additional categories such as Family, Business, Community, etc)  Down the left side write out the year in months. Review the year and jot notes.

Own it.

This is your life. You are the architect.

The New Year invites us to reflect, vision and be thankful for the present.

It makes sense to me we would reflect and vision on the eve of the New Year. My idea of resolutions have shifted significantly over the last three and a half years of education and my pursuit towards Yoga Health Coaching Certification and I’m pretty confident they will continue to.

I have a whole new toolbox of skills and resources to assist in reflecting and visioning than I did four years ago and so much of that is rooted in the seasons. This year I read so many amazing books, continued my ayurvedic education along with furthering my approaches to how to be a better coach, teacher, leader and mom. The one book that made a huge impact on how I plan and implement measurable goals has been the 12 Week Year. I’ve always seen the year through the lens of seasons, but this book opened up the idea of setting priorities for quarters. This isn’t a new concept, although the approach of creating measurable and attainable goals along with other practices of 1% changes shifted how I show up on a daily basis. The book has provided a foundation for multiple opportunities throughout the year for reflection, vision and honoring achievements and lessons learned, beyond the regular annual cycle.

Embody the Process

Most days I roll out my mat, either at home or in a group class or practice setting. And every time I teach or put my own body in the shape of Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2), which is most days, I take a moment to tap into the power of honoring the past, visioning for the future and be present in the moment. There is a balance between the outstretched limbs and a lift of the abdomen and hip from the front thigh that invite a grounding and an inner lift. My arms feel like arrows, one pointing in the direction of my past and the other in the direction of my future, with my heart in the center, pulsing with life for the moment.

It’s not a fancy pose.

But it is a strong standing posture, that cultivates strength, endurance and openness. It’s also a great hip opener when done with skillful action. Commonly referred to as Vira 2, this pose is used as a transition pose into and out of other postures in flow-based yoga sequences and can be used as a warm up or a peak pose in alignment-based practices. Whether held for one minute or one breath, there is power in the posture.

Set your timer for a minute and give it a go or use it as a transition, see what comes up. Let it give you insight into areas of your practice you may need to bring awareness, focus or attention.

Visioning 2017

Once you’ve set out the time to reflect, be sure to do some visioning. What do you want 2017 to look like? Feel like? How do you want to show up for your family, your business, your community?  What part of you needs to change or shift in order for those things to manifest?

Pick a word or phrase that encapsulates your vision and make a point to return to it every day.

What’s your word for 2017?



Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!