“No one can do the work for you, and you still can’t do it alone.”

This quote has been reverberating through my mind and heart over the past few months and continues to permeate my day to day mindset. We can only learn and grow so much on our own. Something else gets to happen when we join a high level, conscious and growth-minded group or collaboration.

My yoga colleague and sister on the path, Sam Rice shared this powerful quote with our Practice, Wellness, and Community group in Madison this year. It was such an honor to teach alongside Sam and Meg Newlin over the past six months. They are two of my current superheroines and a testament to this theme.  

“No one can do the work for you, and you can’t do it alone.”

This became the very core of our Spring Rejuvenation Retreat this past weekend in Prescott. Within 24 hours of our retreat individuals are taking action on their lives and making MAJOR life changes they’ve been considering for years.

WHY is that?

They no longer believed they were alone. Even though they are doing the work themselves, the more they talked and connected to eachother a network formed. They could no longer isolate themselves, it wasn’t even an option anymore. They weren’t victims to their life circumstance, yet being empowered by their peers.

In one day they began to see how they could and would align the gap between what they knew they needed to do to change their situation and what they were willing to go home and start doing immediately. They were no longer stuck.

When we really own our individual gifts and superpowers AND practice seeing, hearing and receiving the gifts and superpowers of others, we all grow. When we are showed a path, a process and supported in creating our own personalized plan, we non longer need permission from someone else.

This past weekend 16 women realized they aren’t alone in their struggles, in their obstacles and in the problems they want to solve and HOW to actually solve them.

So often we isolate ourselves and hold back what’s really going on in our lives out of shame or even blame. This is why the work of guiding others through the Embody Ease Journey is my purpose right now in life.

When it comes to transformation and living the lives we truly desire there is a degree of readiness required. A readiness to that requires giving ourselves permission to do the hard work and permission to be supported in the process.

“No one can do the work for you, and you can’t do it alone.”

You don’t have to do it alone (no matter what IT is for you right now).  Sign up for a 30-minute consultation to connect, clarify and walk away with one daily action to evolve the next phase of your life.


Rachel Peters is a yoga teacher, yoga health coach, lifestyle and habits expert, easeful living advocate, and lover of wild places. She leads others towards Embodying Ease through a yearlong wellness & lifestyle journey to dissolve perfectionism, embody daily habits that promote mental clarity, overall ease, and deeper connection to life on this wild ride of modern living. Learn MORE today!